Poisoned Pestle


Specializing in high quality, rare, and experimental potions.

Excalibur - Lavender Beds - W13 - P7

Tuesdays (and sometimes Thursdays): 7 - 10pm PST

( Note: We will be closed until October for a staff break. Join our Discord for updates! )

About + Staff

Welcome to Poisoned Pestle Apothecary, where we strive to meet all your potion and alchemical needs!


See here for a list of our stocked potions, bath products, teas, and candies.

Experimental Potions

A potion experience left up to chance. Click to learn more.

Clinic + Tattoos

Click here to learn about our clinic and tattoo services.


Welcome to the Poisoned Pestle apothecary, where we strive to meet all your potion needs. If what you're looking for is not in stock, there is a possibility it can be created and/or procured for you (via RP). Feel free to browse our wares and tomes, or sit down and rest your weary feet. If you're feeling adventurous, perhaps you would be interested in trying out our experimental potions?Poisoned Pestle is a part of Poison Venues, a string of establishments run by Doku. If you like night life or shopping, feel free to check out The Poison Grotto bar & lounge, or the newly opened Poison & Flame relics and curios shop!


Note: Click the profile pictures for more information.


Brain Cell #1


Brain Cell #2


Best Tester


Cute Medic




Brain Cell #1

Age: 26
Pronoun(s): She/Her/Hers
Race: Wildwood Elezen
Likes: tomes, potions, the Arts, spicy food, cooking and baking, Chimera Doll, personal space
Dislikes: love potions, spiders, empty promises, unsolicited touching (especially the horns)

Doku is the proprietor of Poisoned Pestle and The Poison Grotto. She studied in Ishgard for several years, culminating in apprenticeships specializing in lutherie, archeterie, and alchemy. Initially, her apprentice years were spent abroad for the former two. However, a developed interest in local flora led to self-taught alchemy, soon leading her to seek formal training from a Sharlayan master. On top of her luthier work, Doku now specializes in rare and experimental potions as well as runic inscriptions and enchantments, her expertise sought by many around the world. The quest for knowledge is never ending, so Doku spends a lot of time researching the world's newest alchemy discoveries. Things are certainly looking up these days...This elezen often forgoes sleeping and eating in favor of completing tasks, such as research or brewing. Doku strives to provide high quality potions and remedies to those unable to seek a healer for whatever reason, and will often go out on a limb for her clientele. However, thanks to her wife any bad habits aren't so terrible as of late. But why does Doku speak in plural...?


Brain Cell #2

Age: 24
Pronoun(s): He/Him/His
Race: Sun Seeker Miqo'te
Likes: giving compliments, 'out of the ordinary’ food (i.e. Xaela tail), fighting, provoking certain people, sleeping on the floor
Dislikes: splashes of water, wearing too many clothes, nobles/upper class, close combat, math

Escort. Dancer. Bartender. Barista. Now he claims the title of Doku's Chihuahua 'Healer-in-Training' as he is now learning the wisdom of medicine. Due to his past, he struggles to talk with others as some would comment he can be very crass, shameless, and even cringe. After an intense spat with his Xaela husband, he is determined to change his ways from his usual playboy self to a more loyal sophisticated man. This opportunity presented itself when Doku requested her part-time bartender at The Poison Grotto, to assist with her apothecary, Poisoned Pestle.He is a cheerful, naive individual of which his smile melts people's worries away. Currently, he is struggling to lessen his aggressive, impulsive attitude for more of an acceptable personality to society.Note: He is a dancer and bartender at Doku’s other establishment, The Poison Grotto.


Best Tester

Age: ???
Pronoun(s): She/They/Her/Them/Hers/Theirs
Race: Sun Seeker Miqo'te
Likes: Doku, the color red, fire, apples, painting, helping others, carpentry, learning new things, bubble baths
Dislikes: isolation, being misunderstood, complicated problems, wasting time, gaelicatnip

Naja has no real business being behind the counter other than her insistence on helping her wife, Doku. The miqo’te has little to no knowledge of alchemy or medicine other than what she has picked up spending hours in the shop, absorbing information passively. She does have a keen sense for the bath products and candles sold in the shop though, having been a tester for many of the newer scents. Naja loves helping customers finding the right scent or assisting them in her own capacity, even if she has to ask Doku for help from time to time.Naja has no formal education, having awoken immediately after the Seventh Umbral Calamity with no memory of who she was or even how to speak Eorzean. The years after awakening weren’t exactly pleasant or easy but Naja survived. She survived long enough to wander into the Pestle one night and have an experience that she couldn’t forget. Didn’t hurt that Doku was charming and kind in ways Naja hadn’t really experienced. One visit turned into regular visits which ended with the strange, semi-literate miqo’te wed to Doku. After a while, Naja asked her wife if she could help around the shop and Doku said yes and here we are.


Cute Medic

Age: 23
Pronoun(s): They/Them/Theirs
Race: Raen Au Ra
Likes: tea, complex astrological theory, unsolvable problems, nightlife, Centurio hunts
Dislikes: ceruleum, pointless fights, inclement weather, large crowds

Mina is a battlefield medic working alongside the Tenebrus Mercenary Company, though a lack of things to fight has led to them seeking new employment. Having studied medicine and astrology dutifully since they were 18, they took to it with single-minded devotion, growing far past the expectations of their tutors. Presently, they're at the forefront of new techniques to mend, blending Hingashi techniques with proper Sharlayan forms. They also have training as a culinarian under a nameless chef at the Bokairo Inn, with specialization in teas and the proper ceremony thereof.They're well-travelled and seemingly stoic, but Mina has many soft sides and is easy to fluster if the right buttons are pushed. Mina is dutiful and driven when given tasks, and is fiercely devoted to those in their sphere.


The Apprentice

Status: Vacation
Age: 22
Pronoun(s): She/Her/Hers
Race: Sun Seeker Miqo'te
Likes: Doku, Mr. Bubbles, escaping, anything she wasn't allowed to have while growing up
Dislikes: her parents, betrothals

A happy-go-lucky miqo'te with a streak of vengeance. Solana comes from a long line of alchemists and her interest in the subject was sparked early on. Her family runs a chain of successful apothecaries, but her relationship with them is strained for several reasons. Solana is following in their footsteps, but on her own terms. When she learned Doku was looking for an apprentice, she jumped at the chance. Solana has spent the past year poring over tomes and cauldrons with Doku, as well as spending time out in the field learning botany. She helps out at the Pestle when needed, especially after last year's events...Due to a sheltered upbringing, Solana is oblivious to many things and does not understand how the world works. She does not have a filter and often delivers casual comments that quickly turns heads. Her biggest inspirations are Mr. Bubbles, Doku, and Luciel.


"Pick your poison, traveler."

[ The below products are item/gil trades, though we accept RP only! ]

Can't decide on a scent? See our Spring lineup below, available for all 'draughts' and candles.

Scent of the Month

Every month a special scent will be available, inspired by The Twelve.

Oschon's Embrace

The world is your oyster. Even if you are one not keen on traveling, this scent may stoke the fires of wanderlust. Will you embrace the call? Notes of Oschon roselle, citrus, rum, amber, and a hint of mountain breeze. Available for all bath products and candles.

Spring Scents

Fresh • Fruity • Floral

  • Dazzling Blooms - A fruity and floral scent that will dazzle the masses. Notes of raspberry, rose petals, jessamine, and a hint of cedar.

  • Full Bloom - A sweet floral medley. Featuring notes of peach and cherry blossoms, sweet alyssum and a hint of honey lemon.

  • Peachy Keen - Some may find this familiar. Fruity notes of peach with rosemary and mugwort, and a hint of smokiness.

  • Rolanberry Fields - It's not a dream and it's forever...or as long as the product lasts. A sweet and tart scent of rolanberry with sugar and a hint of tingling levin mint.

  • Spring Fling - Who needs a field of flowers? You are the field of flowers. Featuring notes of cedar, tulip and hyacinth, making this floral scent sweet and spicy.

  • That’s My Jam - Tart and sweet, this smells exactly like apricot jam. Notes of apricot, sugar and sun lemon.

Gourmand • Woodsy • Miscellaneous

  • Chocolate Marshmallow - Smells like a good time. Featuring notes of chocolate, burnt sugar and vanilla.

  • Come In, Come Out - An enchanted candle or bath product that will emit a pleasant scent of something familiar to the user.

  • Hatching-tide Dinner - Guaranteed to make you and others hungry. Roast dzo with carrots and popotoes, night pepper, fennel, and a hint of mint.

  • Lemony Snickerdoodle - A bright and sweet sugary delight. Notes of sun lemon, burnt sugar, butter and cinnamon.

  • Poisoned Pestle - Home sweet…apothecary. Notes of chamomile and lavender, with hints of lime basil and smoked sandalwood.

  • Vibrant Woods - A warm, woody and floral scent. Featuring notes of sandalwood, orange blossom, and jessamine.

Experimental Potions

Are you feeling adventurous today? Well, why not try one of our experimental potions? All effects are temporary and last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours; perhaps even a few days (the duration is up to the player). As long as you accept that any observations will be recorded. This isn't just for fun after all!Below you will find a special selection of potions offered by the Poisoned Pestle.How it works:
For this roleplay experience, select one of the options below and a staff member will give you a random potion (a G8 Tincture). You will then /random. The number you roll will determine the effect of the potion. Some potion effects may require more than one roll. This experience requires a little more interaction and may take some time, especially when there is a queue for experimentals. Please be patient.

5,000 gil each

  • Emotion Potion - A volatile, though safe for consumption, potion that will lead you through a storm of emotions before settling on just one.

  • Draconic Tonic - Strange and bubbly, this is the most random experimental on offer with a wide range of effects. However, we assure you no harm will come. (previously known as Demonic Tonic).

  • Mystery Eats Elixir - Looks like water, though is anything but. Consuming this will make everything you eat and drink taste like a random food item and/or dish.

  • Oral Philter - This pale blue concoction will make the imbiber experience a random vocal tic.

  • Rainbow Roots Brew - Magical hair dye that is orally ingested. The effect is NOT instantaneous (because you need the aesthetician).

Note: If you like a particular effect and would like to wreak havoc on your friends, ask if it is available to take home (for the same price). Alternatively, if you need G8 Tinctures, they are still 5,000 gil each.

Clinic & Tattoos


Has it been a while since your last checkup? Do you need a wound healed? Are potions not enough? Poisoned Pestle has you covered! We will work with you to the best of our abilities! While most staff members have at least some healing knowledge and experience, we now have a designated healer. No gil required, but tips appreciated!Head medic: Mina


Have you had our Demonic Tonic and experienced our temporary tattoo effect? Now is your chance to make it permanent! We will work with you (via RP) to create the tattoo of your dreams, using specially created alchemical ink--and no needles.Due to busy shop hours, this service is only available during off hours/days via private appointment. Keep in mind that sessions may take anywhere between 1 - 5 hours.Inquire further for more information.

Tattoo artist: Doku

Price: starting at 5,000 gil

Types of tattoos on offer:

  • Normal - Beautiful designs carefully crafted for each person.

  • Enchanted - Using runes, Doku can enchant the tattoo design. Examples: color changing, moving designs, design switching, etc.

  • Seals - Using runes, Doku will use her aetherial ink and magicks in order to perform special things. Examples: health protections, seals, etc.

Note: Keep in mind that this is an RP service and does not come with a real design.